Celine Gabrielle

Celine‘s journey isn’t really about finding her voice and her content in her painting. Celine‘s journey is finding love in painting early on in her life leaving it because of logic and fear that we can all relate to and finally after having a successful parallel career to art finding her way back to painting and thank goodness she did because her paintings are exquisite.

Join Celine and Cara as they chat away about Celine’s journey with resistance to becoming an artist. The fear of the starving artist stereotype was real for her. Learn how she finally came to terms with becoming a fine artist and thank goodness she did the world needs her work! And fast forward to now she’s working on The Million Dollar Artist Project she has found her stride.

She is represented by the Petroff Gallery in Toronto where she has an upcoming show.

Your can keep up with her progress and what she is working on on her Instagram @celinegabrielleart where she also announces updates for her Artist Pep Rallies and keeps you up to date on her Million Dollar Artist Project #mdap

And don’t to forget to purchase one or a few of her amazing prints on her website.

Artist Statement

My work takes from my obsession with fashion and that the clothes we wear is how we tell the world who we are, or maybe who we aspire to be.  Sometimes it speaks our culture and can connect us to a place or time in history. Sometimes it blurs the lines of all that. It always tells a story.

I start with an image or a piece of clothing that inspires me. It has to speak to me. I’m slow. I work in many layers. I start with acrylic to block in main colours and shapes quickly. Then I switch to oils. I take my time carefully studying my references and refining section by section. 

I love that my paintings look realistic from far, but up close as I work it's just abstract colour and shapes—like an illusion.

I create because it’s fun, it challenges me and gives me energy. I’m a champion of colour and exuberance. I want the joy and pleasure I have making my works to go with them. Like coming home to a bouquet of wildflowers on the kitchen table­—an unexpected pop, a wow moment on an ordinary day.

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